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Interludes, the new concept of weekends imagined by Eurostar

How about discovering London or Paris during a changing weekend? Imagine original escapades, it is the will of Eurostar which will launch next autumn Interludes, its new concept. The idea? 36 hours, i.e. a short getaway in the British or French capital, to meet unexpected people, discover confidential places, chat with locals… The first getaways will focus on the “Food” theme. Tempting, right?


The very first weekend will take place in Paris, on November 18 and 19, 2017, while London will be to be discovered on January 20 and 21, 2018. On the program during these two escapades:a chef's breakfast served on board the Eurostar on Saturday morning, a unique event on Saturday evening which will involve several top chefs (some dinners will also be served at the chefs' homes!), a city guide specially designed for a short stay with the best shops and bars, museums and markets and unusual places, a skip-the-line ticket for one of the major exhibitions of the moment and a night in a “chic and intimate” hotel. But then, how to participate in these Interludes? Well, for these first editions, it will be via a contest (for the moment you can simply register to be notified of the opening of the contest)! Each edition will offer 50 places for travelers moving around the city and 20 places for locals (who will be invited to join the dinner on Saturday evening). Subsequently, Interludes will be extended to other themes and will be offered for sale.

So, shall we try our luck?! Yeaaaah!