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Heart Beat:let your musical child's heart beat a lot faster

Be Justin Bieber. Or his girlfriend. That will no doubt be the dream of a lot of boys and girls. Yet the life of a superstar is not all roses. A number of derailed celebrities have already made that clear (think of Britney and, oh yes, Mister Bieber himself). In Hart Beat, the dazzling musical youth film, you see that superstars don't always have it easy. You don't have to worry about alcohol or drug scandals in this youth film. However, there are plenty of love affairs! Which in any case results in an exciting film, full of great songs.

Heart Beat:our hearts beat with anticipation

Full of excitement, Lotte and I were sitting in a full cinema. The men were also there, but they were perhaps a little less expectant 😉 . Nevertheless, the men also thought it was a very successful film! If your mini-me hasn't talked about anything else for weeks after seeing the High School Musical, it's definitely a must see. Highly recommended for the whole family 🙂 . Hart Beat is a musical youth film from the Netherlands. Vajèn van den Bosch and Rein van Duivenboden shine in the lead roles. Those names may not mean much to you, but they will definitely make your girl's heart beat faster. And they also make each other's hearts beat faster in the film, so prepare yourself for a wonderful evening of swooning. Alone:​​how easy is it to be in a relationship with a teen idol?

The story

Zoë is a level-headed high school girl who loves to make music but hasn't touched her guitar since her father left. Then she is hit by superstar Mik's tour bus. A kind of Justin Bieber, which Zoë doesn't like much at first. But you guessed it:Mik manages to strike a chord and sparks fly. However, it soon becomes apparent that a relationship between such a super idol and a school girl seems doomed to fail. Can their puppy love withstand all the 'beliebers', which means that Mik is followed 24/7? In any case, we are not going to reveal anything, so that you will also be at Hart Beat with a beating heart 😉 .

Hart Beat is a wonderful youth film full of dazzling music. A must for all moms and dads who have a small music lover at home! As mentioned, our whole family enjoyed it. Especially Lotte, who turned out to be the youngest in the room at 7 years old. But perhaps also the biggest music fan, so that compensated again. A nice look behind the scenes can be found here.

If you want to enjoy the music from Hart Beat even longer, we have good news for you:we can give away two Hart Beat CDs! You can read below what you have to do to win it.


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