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Wash your car by hand without wasting water.

Wash your car by hand without wasting water.

Wash your car by hand without wasting water it is possible, not very difficult and also very economic in water.

At home, with only 4 cans of 5 liters of preferably non-potable water, a sponge and a biodegradable detergent, I can easily wash my self effectively while avoiding wasting a lot of water!

Also consider waterless car washing at a specialist.

Wash your car by hand without wasting water.

Savings Achieved

You should know that by washing your car at home without paying attention, I can consume up to 500 liters of water. Not very economical as a car wash.

A zero-waste car wash uses only 20 liters of water, compared to 300 liters for a roller wash, or 60 liters of water for a high-pressure wash.

Washing your car yourself without wasting water is a good clever trick to use less water at home and save a car wash at a specialist.