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Germany Opens a 100 km Cycle Path Totally PROHIBITED to Cars.

Germany Opens a 100 km Cycle Path Totally PROHIBITED to Cars.

In Germany, a new 100 km long cycle path will see the light of day .

The great thing is that it will be completely car-free!

From today, cyclists can take the first 5 km of this track, which will be 100 km long.

By browsing it, they will be able to discover 10 cities in western Germany such as Duisburg, Bochum and Hamm.

Germany Opens a 100 km Cycle Path Totally PROHIBITED to Cars.

In reality, more than just a cycle track, this track will be a real "road" completely forbidden to cars.

Cyclists will have to respect the same rules as on a classic road.

Here you will find passing lanes, intersections with overpasses and underpasses and streetlights!

Germany Opens a 100 km Cycle Path Totally PROHIBITED to Cars.

The only major difference is that cyclists will no longer have to constantly watch out for cars, motorcycles, trucks and buses.

Because it must be said, when cars, bicycles and buses coexist on the same road, the danger is omnipresent for cyclists.

50,000 fewer cars thanks to this cycle route

Germany Opens a 100 km Cycle Path Totally PROHIBITED to Cars.

According to a study carried out by a regional development group (the RVR), the implementation of this cycle route should reduce road traffic by 50,000 cars per day!

Germany Opens a 100 km Cycle Path Totally PROHIBITED to Cars.

Not bad is not it ? Do you like this idea? What are we waiting for to also have a cycle path like this linking towns and villages in France?